Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

No Time to Write, But Something for You to Read

I have been missing in action when it comes to posting, or anything to do with writing beyond working on syllabi for the upcoming semester. This summer has turned out to be a little crazier than expected. Between single parenting in the beginning, trying to get everything together to (hopefully) buy our house, leaving for the summer theatre in Iowa, and now working box office for that theatre I've barely had time to think, let alone write.

[caption id="attachment_8101" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Last week, Sarah performed a little Shakespeare. Last week, Sarah performed a little Shakespeare.[/caption]

However, I have exciting news about my words.

Another Short Story, Another Anthology . . . 

First, another short story of mine is AVAILABLE NOW on Amazon in Theme-Thology: Real World Unreal. 

Real World Unreal 2

While I am proud of all the stories I've written for the Theme-Thology  series put out by HDWPbooks, I think this might be my favorite as it is based somewhat on my experience in Slovakia a few years ago, which some of you read about.

It is currently only available for the Kindle, but will soon be available for Nook and Kobo as well. The collection is only $3.99 and contains many fabulous stories.

And, of course, I ask that after you read the book you also write a review and help spread the word.

And in Other News . . . 

I have great news regarding P.O.WER . . . but I'm not allowed to tell you officially yet. Let's just say that publication is imminent, and I won't be doing it alone.

Hopefully I will get back to writing/blogging/and general word play once life settles down a bit. Until then, I hope you are all having a lovely season (summer, winter . . . I have friends everywhere) and have lots of time for reading and writing.