Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

Some P.O.W.ERful News

Hi Friends!

I know, it has been a while. I have no excuses. A combination of realities merged together to make me quiet in the world of social media and blogging. I know, for a person that claims to want to make it in the world of writing, that is considered a faux pas, but sometimes you have to follow you own path toward you dreams, whatever those dreams may be.

I haven't stopped dreaming. I haven't stopped creating. I was directing, running workshops, working on getting another work of fiction published, collaborating on some amazing arts programming between transition students and college students--which is the basis of a book I am also writing. I've attended a few book signings, workshops, and presentations. I've been letting my imagination soar into unknown realms as I slowly find my path toward what is next . . . whatever that may be.

I've also been questioning, doubting, wondering, and thinking why bother? I've been battling the demons that inevitably attack me after I complete creative projects. They sneak in when I'm exhausted from the excitement and joy of a job well done to whisper things in my ears like "So what? That didn't change anything;" or "that was good, but not good enough;" or "your work is meaningless."

Those demons are so annoying.

I still don't know what's happening next, but on days like today I have faith. I begin to feel like I'm on a path toward finding my voice and achieving my as yet unnamed goals.

Why, you ask? Because today I learned that

P.O.W.ER is on the 2014-15 Sarton Literary Award Shortlist for Contemporary Fiction!!!!!


From their website:
The awards are sponsored by the Story Circle Network, an international nonprofit community of women writers. The program is named in honor of May Sarton, who is remembered for her outstanding contributions to women's literature as a memoirist, novelist, and poet. Awards are granted annually to North American women authors writing chiefly about women in memoir, biography and fiction published in the United States and Canada and selected from works submitted. The awards are limited to submissions from small/independent publishers, university presses, and author-publishers (self-publishing authors).
A small award, perhaps, that firmly ensconces my book as one for and about women . . . but I'm okay with that. I'm proud of my work. I want it to help women (and men) recognize the potential everyone carries inside them. If this helps a few more people find it and read it, I'm happy.

And, now I have an idea of a few things that are coming up:
  • I look forward to reading all of the books from the short list. Find out more about them at the Story Circle Network Website.
  • If I can swing it, I will be heading to Austin, TX in April for the Stories From the Heart VIII, the SCN's annual women's writing conference where they will announce the winners.
Who knows what will happen next? Anything is possible.

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