Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

The Power of Books

World Book Day!

I know, I know, it's just another random day chosen to celebrate a random thing. (I mean, do we seriously need to have a national potato chip day--which also happens to be my birthday--and things like that?).

But World Book Day is a day to truly celebrate.

After all . . . I love books.

I heart books

Why are books so powerful? Why is P.O.W.ER about a world where half the population (the female half) is deprived access to the written word? Why do I want to celebrate the power of books?

Because books have the power to change the world.

Books are friends when you feel alone.

Books provide dreams when life feels hopeless.

Books celebrate universal truths--that we all have a story, desire love and community, hope for the impossible, yearn for connection, seek solace, feel pain, have secrets, fear something . . .

Books have the power to bring people together across cultures, across time, across distances.

As I get to know more authors, and make connections beyond their books, I thrill every time I read something that makes me realize how much we connect through words.  I find phrases that inspire me, I find words that fulfill me, I find messages that sing to me. I find connections that I might not have found except through their books.

For example, I recently finished the wonderful Order of Seven by Beth Teliho (look for a more thorough review/discussion in a few days) and my soul-soared when I read these words:
"We need to believe we're not alone and there's a purpose to our existence. What matters is not what our story is, but rather that we have one."

[caption id="attachment_8862" align="aligncenter" width="98"]Available now for pre-order. Click on image. Available now for pre-order. Click on image.[/caption]
While I met Beth first through other means, reading her words in this complex yet beautiful book made me feel that much closer to another soul. That is the power of books.

Celebrate that power, and join in the universal story that connects us all. Read a book, buy a new one, support independent authors

What book will you read next? 
