Celebrating Our Unique Powers: My Long Game by Cameron D. Garriepy
"Self-described shenaniganist and unabashed romantic Cameron D. Garriepy wrote her first romance novel on an antique typewriter, using a stack of pink paper. Detours between that draft and her publishing goals have included a BA in Music, a professional culinary education, and twelve years in the child-wrangling industry.I met Cameron when the fabulous and talented Andra Watkins came to do a book tour for To Live Forever. Cameron and I wandered around the book store where Andra was doing a presentation and signing, blatantly clutching copies of the book and talking loudly about how wonderful it was in the hopes of attracting the attention of the few people in the store. In between we giggled and plotted how to take over the world of publishing. I knew right away that this woman was an inspiration and a "kindred spirit." We met again a few weeks later, at a coffee shop at a different bookstore. There we conducted a covert operation which included sneaking a couple of copies of Cameron's book onto the shelves. I don't know if they eventually sold or just disappeared after the bookstore rearranged the shelves. I'm hoping for the former. Since then we meet for lunch occasionally, and continue to brainstorm ideas of how best to market and sell our books, as well as find time to write in our busy lives. I am truly blessed to count this talented, fun, creative, and inspiring woman as my friend. I can't wait to celebrate the book birthday of DAMSELFLY INN and to read more of her work. Below she shares a secret power that I think many of wish we had.
Cameron writes from the Metro Boston area, where she lives with her husband, son, and a poorly behaved pug. Her latest novel, Damselfly Inn, will be released April 13, 2015 by Bannerwing Books.
My Long Game

My long game was born in a pink bathrobe, at a scarred kitchen table we no longer own. I sat down to write, with a character and a place in my imagination, and a curiosity in my heart:
I knew I had the raw ability to write the book, but could I see it through?
When I was a nanny, there were three children, the youngest of whom was an easygoing, charming munchkin with a smile like sunshine. He spent his youngest years being toted around to his older siblings’ activities, his days were structured around the big kids’ lives. It was as if he understood instinctively that he would have his moment. And he was always confident in his place in my heart, even if I was distracted by the constant shuffle of after-school activities, playdates, drop-offs and pick-ups.
That long game manuscript has ridden piggyback on a dozen other projects. Like my third child, it’s patient, self-reliant. It knows it will have its moment. While noisier stories, more immediate gratifications, distractions, and ambitions have borrowed the spotlight, while the needs of my family have demanded priority, that manuscript has been the third child’s quiet hug at the end of the day, the small hand in mine sharing affection without demand.
That manuscript knows my secret: I can see it through.
I will see it through.
Of course, I have impatient moments, frustrated nights lying in the dark, listening to my husband breathe, where I can’t help comparing myself, my experience, to those I see “ahead” of where I am on my writing journey. But I have a long game, and it’s conclusion is clear to me, even when the steps required change, or the way seems murky.
I summon a deep well of patience, I shut out the noise, and I do what I do. I write stories, and I get them ready for the world.
I own my long game, and the patience and focus it requires to get there. That is my power. I refuse to be deterred, even when the way gets longer, or the scope changes.
When I put the final touches on my long game, it will be at a different table, and in a different robe, but the same story is still here with me, as well as the new stories born out of it.
My power isn’t glamorous, it isn’t showy. It won’t save the world, but I do hope that I’ll be able to share, to lend it to others as I go.
If you would like to contribute to this series, read this post and then contact me at lisaakramer@lisaakramer.com.
Read more about empowering yourself and others in P.O.W.ER.
For each book sold, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to causes that support women and children around the world.