Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

Cosmic Dance

This post comes from the inspiration of three different women, which just shows the power and complexity of this magnificent world I call the "Blogosphere".  Today, Darla at She's a Maineiac wrote the lovely poem called "Radiance at Last" in response to a challenge made by Val Erde who provided inspiration in the form of this  magnificent painting by her

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Painting by Val Erde at Absurd Old Bird"][/caption]

A few days ago, Priya at Partial View wrote "Dismissed too Soon"a magnificent post that incorporates photography and poetry to explore issues of life and death. She used the form of etheree, which she also explains:
An etheree comprises of 10 lines. It begins with a one syllable line, increasing one syllable per line until the last line of ten syllables. The syllable count of the entire poem is 55. The syllabic structure, therefore, is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, and is unmetered and unrhymed.
Since I seem to be dipping into the creative energy pool of the universe, I thought I'd make an attempt at an etheree based off of this painting.  Here I go:


Dance Color Twirls of joy Celebration Of passion filled life. Cosmic forces singing Creating a song of truth Heard by those who feel the power of life, of energy, of love and the cosmic swirl of colors in the dance!