Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

Rediscovering Goddesses

Call for Submissions!

Call for Submissions!
by Lisa A Kramer

Hello Creative Collaborators!

Spark Collaborative Media is pleased to invite you to submit your work for our first anthology!

Reclaiming Goddesses: Bringing the World into Balance

We are looking for short stories, poetry, artwork, personal essays, creative non-fiction that explore a world where the goddesses of the past (from all cultures) reclaim their voices and their purposes.

This anthology will be compiled and edited by me, with contributions from a diverse group of voices.
  • Submission Deadline: December 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
  • Tentative Publication Date:  December 2024 
How to Submit
  • We are collecting submissions on Google Forms.
  • Prose pieces (including short stories, essays, reflections, etc.): 1000-5000 words

A Journey Into Memory and Story through Hadestown.

A Journey Into Memory and Story through Hadestown.
by Lisa A Kramer
Yesterday I went on an amazing journey. It travelled on waves of music into a land of myth and legend, through landscapes made of fire, mist, light, and song. We saw the touring production of Hadestown

Tears welled in my eyes. My breath caught in my throat at the perfection of every moment.  I was enraptured by the story unrolling in front of me, and the music that filled the theatre. I journeyed with Eurydice and Orpheus into a land where memories can be destroyed, love does not always win, and power can destroy even our climate . . . but still there is ALWAYS hope.


International Women's Day: Why All Women Should Be Celebrated

International Women's Day: Why All Women Should Be Celebrated
by Lisa A Kramer
On International Women's Day, we celebrate women.

"It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political." (United Nations)

I think it's wonderful to celebrate women on this day. I love seeing all the posts about women who have done amazing things. Women who have broken the glass ceiling. Women who are fighting for social and environmental justice every single day. The stories are inspirational and filled with hope.

But there is also something missing. We need to celebrate the women whose voices have been silenced.