Conscious Creativity (100 WCGU)
The roman numeral for 100 is C so let’s make it the ‘Big C’. It can be any topic, any genre but to add a twist, each line must begin with a word beginning with the letter ‘C‘!
It has led me to a bit of poetic silliness. Be sure to visit Julia's blog and the other people who take up the challenge. Or better yet, join in the fun.

Conscious Creativity
Creativity rules in my world of words care to join me and have your voice be heard? Cautious creation is not welcome here 'cuz I no longer want to be ruled by fear. Caustic comments are never allowed 'cuz I want a community of which I am proud. Conscious and caring comments are welcome 'cuz that's how we learn and grow in creation. Crazy comments are welcome too 'cuz friendships are formed around craziness too. Can't think of anything to say? Come join me anyway, stick around and play. Creativity is the C-word of the day, although I wouldn't object to cookies, by the way.