The End of the Season (100 WCGU)
by Lisa A Kramer, in Theatre
, Writing
The fields begin to fade into golden brown as the mornings become a little cooler. I walk along the path preparing to say farewell. The osprey nest stands empty as the young birds explore their wings.
Beside the theater, a truck awaits the final strike. Nine shows. Ten weeks. A sense of melancholy descends.
After all the excitement, my mind turns to shorter days, the changing colors of fall, the long drive home and questions of what the future will bring. Will next summer find us here again, or will we move on to new adventures?
Only time will tell.
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Another entry for Julia's 100 Word Challenge for Grownups. Click here to learn more and read other participants work.[/caption]

Beside the theater, a truck awaits the final strike. Nine shows. Ten weeks. A sense of melancholy descends.

Only time will tell.
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