Some Exciting News
by Lisa A Kramer, in Writing
First, our adventures in Disney World was, overall, a success despite a few moments of insanity and emotional turmoil.

Yesterday I received word that my session entitled "From Stage to Page: Using Creative Dramatics to Inspire Writing" has been accepted for the SCBWI New England Conference in May. I'm excited and nervous to take the next step toward merging my many passions (theatre, writing, and teaching).
And today I am the featured author over at Chris the Story Reading Ape's (New To Me) Author Blog! It's an exciting day for this writer. Please visit me over there.

Yesterday I received word that my session entitled "From Stage to Page: Using Creative Dramatics to Inspire Writing" has been accepted for the SCBWI New England Conference in May. I'm excited and nervous to take the next step toward merging my many passions (theatre, writing, and teaching).
And today I am the featured author over at Chris the Story Reading Ape's (New To Me) Author Blog! It's an exciting day for this writer. Please visit me over there.