
A Writer's Life

The Path Forward (100 word challenge)

by Lisa A Kramer
As you can tell, my posts seem to be following a theme this week. Please forgive. ;)

The sun shone but could not penetrate the shadowy darkness under the trees, except in tiny ribbons reflecting through dancing leaves. Elaina could only see a few feet down the rough dirt path. She hesitated, looking back, before entering the dimness, fearful of what lay ahead. Four steps in and the silence grew overpowering. Her skin tingled with the feeling of eyes watching, hidden in the depths of the silent trees. “You can do this,” she whispered to herself. “Your future lies ahead.” Slowly she moved deeper into the mysterious trees, accompanied only by the knowledge that this was the path meant for her.


The Journey in Etheree

The Journey in Etheree
by Lisa A Kramer

For the poem, I attempted another etheree, as I thought it would create the image of words moving into the distance down the road. It reads as follows: Now Begins The Journey Moving onward into the unknown. In the distance, a choice as yet unseen, a tunnel a fork in the road to somewhere beyond the knowledge and the dreams and plans of the woman who moves forward bravely. ____________________ Today's Quote: 

"It is better to travel well than to arrive. " Buddha 

Luck, Life, and Inspiration

Luck, Life, and Inspiration
by Lisa A Kramer
My mind is working at a frenetic pace, bouncing from thought to thought, image to image, idea to idea. It almost feels like my brain is full of thousands of fireflies, butterflies, and hummingbirds racing around in a magical dance whose meaning I could understand and interpret if only I knew the secret language of their nearly silent song.

Despite this chaotic dance, I feel the need to post. Writing for me is a way of making meaning, yet, even as I write I still feel confused. So today I want to share some of the fleeting thoughts and images that have added to the mental disarray.

This week the world offered me many messages. So I will share with you the...

All We Need to Know About Life

All We Need to Know About Life
by Lisa A Kramer
I don't know where this originated but I stole . . . um borrowed this from my friend's Facebook page because I found it full of inspiration and truth.

Here's the thing, life is not worth living if we spend all our time worrying and stressing over things beyond our control.  Life should be something we embrace every day with passion and joy.

I am hereby making a promise to myself to live my life as joyously as possible. I'm going to trust the universe to provide what I need, and meanwhile I am going to continue to work towards achieving the dreams and goals that I have for my life.

What exactly are those dreams and goals? Well they seem to be...

Pompous Verbosity for Fun (100 Word Challenge)

by Lisa A Kramer
For this weeks 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups, we must incorporate the following words into our post: Ripple  Brood  Evocative  Lilt  Untoward. These five words come from the list of "103 Most Beautiful Words" posted by another blogger. I, in my state of (I'm making up a word here) frustratedboredommixedwithwriter'sblocktiredofwaitinglimbo decided to extend my own challenge by using as many of the beautiful words as I could in my post, knowing--of course--that I would come off sounding like a pompous jerk who uses big words when simple ones will do. The red highlighted words are from the challenge. The purple highlighted words are from the list.  Enjoy, join the challenge, and visit some of the other participants.

As I sit in limbo brooding...

Too Scattered to Write

Too Scattered to Write
by Lisa A Kramer
Have you ever had one of those days when your mind is going a mile a minute and you cannot accomplish a single thing because of it?

Today is one of those days for me.

The list of things I could be doing or might be doing grows, and yet I fritter around like a hummingbird in a field of flowers, unable to rest, to calm, to think, to breathe or to write. [youtube=] And, in the typical irony of fate,  today seems to be the day that I should be producing a high-quality fabulous post to thrill the masses. Why? Well, yesterday I had one of those randomly successful days on the blog, with the most visits ever for me--and today, without me...

Simultaneous Stories

Simultaneous Stories
by Lisa A Kramer
I wake up and somewhere a child falls asleep. I turn on my computer to start writing a blog post, and another blogger starts typing hers.  People dance in one part of the world while people die in another.

I walk outside to answer the call of the moon, and elsewhere others see the same moon as I do, while still more rise to worship the sun.

We all live simultaneous stories.


This movie intrigues me for a number of reasons. One is simply that one of my high school friends contributed to it. But, the idea of simultaneous stories intersects all of my writing lately.

Stories are what connect us and what divide us. As a newborn takes his first breathe in one...

I'm Not Old Enough

I'm Not Old Enough
by Lisa A Kramer
This is my response to the fabulous Tori Nelson's post called "old enough." I'm Not Old Enough . . . . . . to give up my dreams in the face of other people's sense of what is appropriate; . . . to sit in a corner gathering dust while younger generations act like my time has passed;  . . . to fade quietly into an existence defined by other's and yet society wants to make that so. I'm not old enough . . .  . . . to live without the joys of childhood like ice cream on a sunny day or conversations with stuffed animals. . . . to live without singing and dancing for the pure joy of song and movement . . . to be afraid of getting dirty with paint...