Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

Publicize, Publicize, Publicize

by Lisa A Kramer
We all know that doing good work isn't enough nowadays. Sometimes, it seems that quality doesn't matter at all (see my post called "A Best Selling Author? Really?!!")

The unfortunate truth is that in order to achieve anything we need to get our work noticed, and the only way to do that is to spend more time getting it out there, which of course means less time creating and perfecting our work. It's a vicious cycle.

You would think that social  media might make it easier, but it doesn't really. The truth is, the more inundated I am with advertisements or announcements the more they just become visual background noise to the stuff that I'm really interested in hearing, seeing, or reading.


Creating a Web of Kindness: The Connections We Make

by Lisa A Kramer
A few days ago I got a message from a former student ago asking if I would mind looking over an essay she was working on for a  graduate school fellowship. I readily agreed, even though I haven't had this student for 4 or 5 years. It didn't take a lot time (as she is already a good writer) but I felt good that I was able to make some suggestions to strengthen her statement. I also had to put myself in the unfamiliar role of scientist, which was kind of fun and led to this brilliant sentence: "For example, Dr So and so of Whosamajig University is studying yadayada, while a team of researchers based in blah blah blah is...

Embracing the NaNo

by Lisa A Kramer
For several years I've been kind of anti the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) because in some ways I believe it establishes a false relationship between word count and quality work. Several years ago, in my own teaching, I got rid of word count and/or page limits on papers that I've assigned to my classes. Instead I would say things like: "This needs to be as long as it needs to be to provide quality information and answers to the assignment. You cannot do that in only a couple of pages. I am more concerned with quality than quantity. If you can say what you need to say in fewer pages, that's fine. But if you ramble on and on just...

Clear Writing Counts

by Lisa A Kramer

We can't all be brilliant writers. Just as we can't all be brilliant mathematicians, painters, doctors, musicians, scientists, speakers, etc., etc.

I get that. The line between basic skills and true talent is a thick one--one which requires training, practice, more training, more practice, a lot of hard work (and perhaps a bit of innate talent).

I'd like to think that--even in a flawed educational system like ours--most people learn somewhere along the way to communicate in basic sentences, and to be able to write those sentences down. I like chocolate. I wish I had a million dollars. I like to write. Not brilliant sentences by any means, but they communicate the point to some extent.

Of course, as people move through the education system, as well...

Things that Go Bump in Your Mind

by Lisa A Kramer
'Tis the season of creaks and squeaks and ghostly imaginings. I just realized that Halloween is tomorrow, and I haven't done my usual number of spooky posts and reflections on things that go bump in the night.

Anyone who has followed me for a while now realizes that I have a fascination with the supernatural. I waste  spend a lot of time at this time of year looking up videos about hauntings on the internet. I know, the majority of them are fakes but every once in a while I stumble across an image that is so eerie and un-explainable that it makes me continue my search. At the same time, I have little to no interest in horror movies. I am...

Going for the Goals

by Lisa A Kramer
In an attempt to stick to my promises to myself, today I started working on a submission for a children's poetry contest. (If you haven't figured it out yet, I am an eclectic writer who just loves words and writes anything that I feel like writing.)  As I was working on it, however, I remembered that I had submitted to a similar contest by the same people in the past, and obviously didn't win. So, I thought I'd share that little collection of poems here for all my "adoring" fans.  I think the theme of that contest was "night poems" or something like that. DEAR MONSTER Please, Monster hiding there under my bed, do not growl, snort or “Screech!” Do not try to eat me as I fall...

In Search of Inspiration

by Lisa A Kramer

I have another confession to make . . .

I often envy the people like artists and musicians who go out and make their art without letting life get in their way. I'm not talking about the big names or the movies stars, but the people who create their work and sell it at crafts fairs, or the musicians who do mall gigs in local pubs or busk in the streets--the joy of making music pouring out of them. I mean the brave souls who may never make millions of dollars or big names, but have chosen to live life following their bliss and living their dreams.

Of course, I am sure they too struggle with everyday concerns, but I love watching...

Thoughts on a Sunday

by Lisa A Kramer
It's that time of week again, when I want to take a moment to reflect on the good things in life, the small blessings that happen, the things we often forget as we focus on the trials and tribulations of living.

The sun is shining its golden glow through the trees and into my house this morning. Sarah is in her bedroom singing. We just had a couple of (successful) work sessions on her book report on Bridge to Terabithia that didn't end up in a crying mess (for either of us) and where I think she has finally accepted that I can actually help her without it being painful.

I call all those things wins for the week.

There also seems to be...

For the Love of Learning

by Lisa A Kramer
I sat in my class this morning as two different groups did presentations for the assignment I called "Performance Traditions Presentations." This was the assignment I created so that my class could learn about various types of theatre and performance without me actually having to lecture about them (have I ever mentioned how much I hate lecturing?). The assignment was to research their assigned topics (which included: Indian Sanskrit Theatre, Mime and Commedia dell'Arte, Japanese Traditions, Chinese Opera, Carnival Traditions, and Puppet Traditions around the Globe) and then find a creative and interesting way to present the information to the class.

Most of them did PowerPoint presentations. Sigh.

The two presentations today (Puppets and Carnival) however were the best of the groups. The...

Time to Stop Talking and Start Doing

by Lisa A Kramer
I have a confession to make. I am a big dreamer who accomplishes a lot of things,  but when it comes to that last push--the scariest step--I often stop before I try.

However, over the past few weeks or months something is shifting inside me. The other day, when I went to a Paint Night event (which involves drinking and painting, although I didn't drink) I made a discovery. Sometimes you just have to let go and have faith in yourself and your creativity.

My painting from Paint Night.

Yet too often, despite the fact that I know I have abilities and can carry out anything I set my mind to, I only go so far before I build...

Lessons Learned on My Legs

by Lisa A Kramer
Over the past 10 days I've walked a lot. My legs are tired.

It's a long walk to the castle.

I've been on three planes, two buses and slept in three different states.

We spent Saturday night in Brooklyn after walking through Manhattan for much of the day. And then went for a walk to see the view on Sunday.

We walked through four different Disney Parks, and we walked through the streets of Manhattan to see an incredible performance of The Girl Without Wings.  We walked until our feet hurt, and my legs yelled "Enough! Enough! I cannot carry you anymore!"

Picture and Puppet by Nathan K. Lee

But they could, and they did,...

Some Exciting News

by Lisa A Kramer
First, our adventures in Disney World was, overall, a success despite a few moments of insanity and emotional turmoil.

Yesterday I received word that my session entitled "From Stage to Page: Using Creative Dramatics to Inspire Writing" has been accepted for the SCBWI New England Conference in May. I'm excited and nervous to take the next step toward merging my many passions (theatre, writing, and teaching).

And today I am the featured author over at Chris the Story Reading Ape's (New To Me) Author Blog! It's an exciting day for this writer. Please visit me over there.

In Search of Blessings

by Lisa A Kramer
A few weeks ago I promised myself to focus at least once a week on the things I am blessed by, the moments I am grateful for.

Today I really need to do that. Despite being at the "happiest place on earth" I am dealing with an emotional roller coaster and several challenges that lead to sleepless nights and lots of tapped down emotions (although my personal volcano has erupted several times). It's a journey into things I'm supposed to ignore, keep hidden, never discuss--for if I do, I am just "being dramatic" or "oversensitive" never just feeling the things I feel.

So I must focus on being grateful and thankful.  I must focus on the moments that make life worth living.


In Case You Miss Me

by Lisa A Kramer
Hi all!

I'm spending a few days getting in touch with my inner child in the world where imagination soars.

We spent last night celebrating Halloween with Mickey and friends. My little Minion could hardly contain her excitement.

My favorite part had to be watching her excitement as she watched the parade and the fireworks (although my camera died before the fireworks).

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Today we spent with the animals.

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Wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring.



The Unexpected (100 WCGU)

The Unexpected (100 WCGU)
by Lisa A Kramer
This week's 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups is " . . . fall . . . "

Click here to see other submissions to this weekly challenge offered at Julia's Place.

I didn’t see it coming.

You know how one day you look outside and the world is green, but the next a golden-red-purple-orange burst has exploded over the universe? You know it will happen, but yet when it does it is a glorious and somehow unexpected .

It was kind of like that, only the opposite.

I was reveling in my successes. My life, my family, my career all sped forward in a glorious expanse of joyous color—an unstoppable and exciting fireworks display.

But here’s the thing I forgot. Inevitably, glorious...

The "Other-ing" of Women: Race,Culture, and Politics

by Lisa A Kramer
"Her questions, after all, are Miss Anne's questions (though taken to dangerous extremes), as pressing now as they were almost a hundred years ago: Can we alter our identities, and, if so, how? What, if anything, do we owe those with whom we are categorized? Does freedom mean escaping our social categories or inhabiting those that don't seem to belong to us? (Carla Kaplan, Miss Anne in Harlem, 341)

Participating across cultures. Okayama, Japan ca. 1993 I mentioned the other day that I was reading Carla Kaplan's book Miss Anne in Harlem: The White Women of the Black Renaissance and that it got me thinking about writing authentic characters different from ourselves. My thinking didn't stop there.

I was fascinated by the...

The Thing About Bullying

by Lisa A Kramer
I've come to a disturbing realization this week.

As much as I'd like to think otherwise, it seems to me that it is part of human nature to bully. This doesn't mean I'm condoning the act of bullying--I find it repulsive and inexcusable in a society that claims to be intelligent--but the evidence is overwhelming. It seems that for some people, the only way they can feel good about themselves is by standing on the backs of others, or belittling anything that doesn't agree with them.

This past week a 16-year-old boy with autism named Maxwell Webb committed suicide. While Maxwell did not leave a note, his parents say the suicide was "fueled by bullying" (click the link for a news report...

There Are Days . . .

by Lisa A Kramer
There are days when everything seems just a little bit harder and the blessings seem farther away. But those are they days when we should focus on them the most.

I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me.

I have a family that loves me and supports me even in my craziest dreams.

Do you fit in with the silliness?

I have a way of making a living that hasn't (yet) been affected by the craziest government.

I have brains and the power of my words, and the growing courage to speak them.

I have a body that still functions well, although I need to take better care of it.

I have a home filled with warmth, comfort,...

When Life Falls into Place

by Lisa A Kramer
I love this time of year. It always carries with it a sense of new beginnings and possibilities, even as it represents a fading of the old. The cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Perhaps my love for autumn stems from the fact that I still follow the rhythms of the academic calendar. Or perhaps it comes from my Jewish routes, with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur holding much more significance to me than New Year's Eve ever could.

Maybe it has something to do with the richness of the color, where the blue seems bluer, the orange more vibrant, the red warmer, the purples more passionate, and on and on. These colors embrace me with their warmth, and never fail to...

Enough is Enough

by Lisa A Kramer
This could be a rant about our dysfunctional government, but it's not. I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

This could be a rage against a corrupt system where the rich get richer, the poor disappear, and the middle-class implodes . . . but it's not. The reality speaks for itself.

This could be a vent about the naiveté of people who claim to hate "Obamacare" but love the Affordable Care Act--a clear example of how people fall for the fear and confusion spread by people whose concern are their pockets and their businesses and not the good of all. But it's not. I can't explain or even understand that.

This could be a rave against a system where education is becoming meaningless,...