Lisa A. Kramer

Author, Speaker, Theater Artist, Creativity Facilitator

Embracing My Blessings

by Lisa A Kramer
Golden ferns add warmth to my home.

This morning I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers, who never fails to bring me a sense of peace through her writing. Today, Kathy of Lake Superior Spirit announced this in her post called "Count our Blessings" blogging practice: "Once a week in October, November and December I will  share Blessings, both received and given.  To consciously acknowledge some of the ordinary and extra-ordinary gifts of each day.  To focus on the many blessings which arise like the sun over our multi-colored ever-changing earth." While this is not a new concept, I realized that it was time I too began to embrace and acknowledge my blessings. Too often I...

From Thrill to Fear in Five Minutes

by Lisa A Kramer
Last night I went from "I'M SO EXCITED I WANT TO DANCE IN THE STREETS!" to "Meep! I'm skeered" in about five minutes flat, only to continue on a roller coaster of emotions for the rest of the evening.

Cover Art by Aaron Woods

What could have done this to me?

Well, writing of course.

Many of us dream of the day that we can say we are a published author. We fantasize about building a fan base and becoming an instant overnight writing sensations (even though realistically we know that the journey is long, painful, and full of dead ends--and that only a very few ever achieve the glorious heights.) While I have had several non-fiction articles published, I...

Race, Culture and Character Development

Race, Culture and Character Development
by Lisa A Kramer
As a result of a new-found interest in 1920's America, and my perennial interest in untold stories of women, I am currently reading Miss Anne in Harlem: The White Women of the Black Renaissance by Carla Kaplan. As I've been reading this fascinating and complex look at a place and time that seem simultaneously far removed from my own, and yet still reflects the racial/cultural misunderstandings and miscommunications that exist in our society, I began to think about my writing and how I develop my characters. I admit, up until now, my characters have been (mostly) white. It's not that I made a conscious choice to make all my characters white. Often my main characters have a slight resemblance to me--or at least...

The Invasion Begins

by Lisa A Kramer
What does the word invasion mean to you? Do you picture armies pouring out of spaceships or across borders? Or could it be bugs making their way into your home? Could it be an invasion of microscopic organisms taking over your body? Perhaps its simply a visit from relatives during the holidays.

Is an invasion massive or personal? Is it something seen from afar or felt only by one?

In Theme-Thology: Invasion, 15 talented independent authors and 2 incredible artists come together to explore the idea of invasion using any style or genre that interested them. The result is a fabulous and eclectic mix of stories told in a variety of voices, genres, and perspectives. From personal invasions of the mind, to aliens in...

Shaking Hands with My Characters: The Physicality of Writing

by Lisa A Kramer
I hear a voice in my head. She begins speaking when I'm walking, or taking a shower, or trying to sleep. She starts to tell me her story. I sit at the computer screen and hope to capture the story, but nothing happens. I'm not blocked, exactly. It's just that she doesn't want to speak through the click and clack of my fingers on the keyboard. She's not ready to tell the story that way.

I'll try again another time, I think.

She speaks with urgency as I breath in and out during a yoga session, distracting me from focusing on my breath. She starts talking as I drive from chore to chore, giving me more hints of who she is and...

Theme-Thology Revealed

by Lisa A Kramer
Ladies and Gentleman! Kind Readers and Friends!

I am happy to announce that my short fiction story, "Voices" comes out at the end of this month in

I am honored and excited to be included in the first of the Theme-Thology series put out by HDWP Books. The 15 stories are all unique and represent a variety of genres including sci-fi, fantasy, humor and a little horror. On sale: September 28th, 2013 $2.99 Kindle/Nook/Kobo  

A Best Selling Author? Really?!!

by Lisa A Kramer
I'm reading a book. I'm not going to name the book or the author because I don't want this post to be a destruction of somebody's work.  Let's just say that my husband started laughing at the faces I was making as I read this book, especially after I shared with him some of the truly terrible prose.

"But you're still reading it," he says.

"I have to finish this. I have to understand why . . . "

The thing I wanted to understand has absolutely nothing to do with the story. I actually understood that about 5 pages in (which is part of the problem). I wanted to understand how something so poorly written could be published by a well-known publisher....

What (exactly) am I Afraid of?

by Lisa A Kramer
With tentative fingers I type in the words to search for agents who might be looking for new clients, who might find my work matches their needs.  I have avoided this task, using every excuse in the book about why I can't do it. My internet connection isn't good.

I don't have the money to spend to buy the listing.

I don't know where my book fits in, it doesn't fall easily into one category.

I'm waiting for a response from my readers.

I need to go over it one more time.

Yada, yada, yada. But they are all just excuses, and I know that.

Because here's the truth. My manuscript is ready and has been for months. The only thing that has held me back is the...

I Hope We Dance

by Lisa A Kramer
I admit, I had a verklempt moment this morning as I watched my daughter wait to go into school to start 5th grade with a huge smile on her face, standing next to one of her close friends whose already taller than I. Tears welled up inside and I pushed them down.

"Where did the time go?" I asked Nathan who stood by my side.

The reality that I am officially middle-aged slowly settles into my bones.

I saw this on Facebook the other day.

What does that even mean though? I watch as my daughter dances into an unknown future, and I think I'm not done yet. My future is just as unknown. I still have so much to offer,...

The Truth About the Arts: Art is Activism

by Lisa A Kramer
The other day I got an e-mail from a student in one of my upcoming Introduction to Theatre classes questioning my choice of text because, in his opinion, the first two chapters spoke heavily about theatre for political activism, and he did not want to take a class that focused on Political Theatre.

Maybe I should make my class read Cloud 9, which is about sexual politics and blow his mind.

In typical fashion, his comments first through me into a funk of self-doubt. Did I make a mistake when selecting this book (which is a new text for me because I was going to go insane if I stuck with the same old same old)? Was I...

Cleansing Body and Mind

by Lisa A Kramer
After a summer where I gained weight rather than losing, partially because of a diet that consisted (through no choice of my own) largely of processed food, we decided to get things off to a fresh start beginning with a 48 cleanse.

48 hours later, and I feel . . . well a little less BLURGH! so I guess that's an improvement.

The feeling of "blurgh"

Now I just need to take my so-called cleaner body and feed it with more care, as well as more exercise.

But that isn't enough. Over the past 48 hours my mind has been battling all the good things its learned over the summer, or during the journey home. Suddenly my sleep is disturbed...

Thoughts from the Roof, the Road, and Points in Between

by Lisa A Kramer
I've often written about life as a journey. In many ways, that is the guiding metaphor for my life recently.

Because of that, interesting things happen when you commit to taking an actual journey. A compact version of the journey of life, with the only difference being you know your destination (home), your traveling companions (Nathan, Sarah and the Dogs), and your general route (East).

Other than that, the past several days have been a physical as well as an emotional voyage filled with sights, sounds, thoughts, doubts, fears, inspiration, frustration and hope.

First, of course, I bonded with a gorilla, a reminder to me that we are not the only creatures that think and feel in the universe.

[caption id="attachment_6978" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Different...

A Gorilla Story

by Lisa A Kramer
He sat eating grass, contented with the peaceful moment despite the chatter of strange creatures watching him from behind an invisible wall. For the most part he could ignore them, as they were always basically the same--endless variations of mostly hairless creatures who walked on two legs, sometimes pushing their young in unusual contraptions. They varied in color and shape, as well as the strange outer layer that came in bizarre designs and colors not usually found in nature. They came daily in an endless stream, chattering their bizarre vocalizations in some attempt at communication.

He tuned them out.

This time, however, he noticed one who seemed a little different. Smaller than the full grown males but larger than the young, he...

The Mind/Body Dichotomy

by Lisa A Kramer
I suppose it happens to everyone. Inside we think of ourselves as an age that speaks to us (my internal age varies between 18 and around 25 or 26).

Sometimes I am still that person who just graduated high school, and believes in the possibility that all my dreams can come true. I am still the person who is a little shy and insecure and wants desperately to be connected with amazing people.

My high school graduation picture.

Sometimes I am the person in her twenties whose gained a little more confidence and begun to see the world as  simultaneously huge and tiny. I still have big dreams, but I also recognize that dreams only come true with lots...

The End of the Season (100 WCGU)

by Lisa A Kramer
The fields begin to fade into golden brown as the mornings become a little cooler. I walk along the path preparing to say farewell. The osprey nest stands empty as the young birds explore their wings.


Beside the theater, a truck awaits the final strike. Nine shows. Ten weeks. A sense of melancholy descends.

After all the excitement, my mind turns to shorter days, the changing colors of fall, the long drive home and questions of what the future will bring. Will next summer find us here again, or will we move on to new adventures?

Only time will tell.

Another entry for Julia's 100 Word Challenge for Grownups. Click here to learn more and read other participants work.


Conscious Creativity (100 WCGU)

Conscious Creativity (100 WCGU)
by Lisa A Kramer
It's been a while since I've entered Julia's 100 Word Challenge for Grown-ups, but this one seemed fun and. . .  challenging . . . so here goes. The challenge is: The roman numeral for 100 is C so let’s make it the ‘Big C’. It can be any topic, any genre but to add a twist, each line must begin with a word beginning with the letter ‘C‘! It has led me to a bit of poetic silliness. Be sure to visit Julia's blog and the other people who take up the challenge. Or better yet, join in the fun. 

  Conscious Creativity Creativity rules in my world of words care to join me and have your voice be heard? Cautious creation is not welcome here 'cuz I no longer want...

The Roots of Writing

by Lisa A Kramer
"When did you start writing?" one of the student actors asked me the other day.

"Well, I've been writing forever. But I only started trying to submit and commit to writing seriously a few years ago," I said.

His question made me wonder why I didn't start sooner, since I have been writing my entire life.

A friend of mine for longer years than I care to count posted this on Facebook yesterday after his parents unearthed it.

One of my first by lines, perhaps.

My life with words started with stories and poems in grade school; tales about mermaids and dragons, rainbows and magic, friendship and loneliness, puppet shows, plays, and songs. Or maybe it simply started because I began...

A Little Osprey Tale

by Lisa A Kramer
Picture a giant bird flying a defensive maneuver with a large, bright orange koi dangling in its talons like a flag. The koi (stolen, I presume, from one of the expensively maintained koi ponds in the area) seemed poised to smack me in the face leaving me sprawling on the trail covered in scales and, if I had n't stopped, perhaps the angry marks of an osprey in defense of its young/

You'll just have to imagine it because, in typical fashion, whenever exciting moments of nature I occur I have managed to forget my camera.

A few posts ago I mentioned the osprey family living down the trail from me. Well, the . chicks have grown and seem almost big enough...

It's a Musical Life

by Lisa A Kramer
In my next life, I want to come back as a musician. Or, I want to live in an alternative world where everything is expressed in song.

This summer has been full of song, and each musical moment only serves to spark something within me. Call it the desire to live as passionately as the music that pours out of people's fingers, mouths, hearts and souls. I can't watch or listen to a musician without thinking that's how I want to live my life!

Last night I got a spontaneous opportunity to see Marilyn Maye perform. (A friend of a friend had tickets but then came down with bronchitis and possibly pneumonia--grateful that she gave us the tickets, but sad that she is...

Regarding Art, Beauty, Love, and Self-Expression

by Lisa A Kramer
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." Thomas Merton I most doubt myself as a writer when I read those writer's who somehow dip into a creative world that seems beyond my ability. They use language like a paint brush, creating entire worlds with rich vivid colors. Or they create a symphony with words, where you can hear the songs of their characters and their worlds even in the silence of your reading mind.

The writer's who make me doubt myself do a masterful dance on the border between reality and the world just beyond reality. This doesn't mean they are all fantasy writers, but they have found a way to see into the world of possibility...